Change Your Fiverr Username: A Step-By-Step Rebranding Guide For (2023)

Fiverr is an online marketplace that connects businesses and individuals with freelancers from all over the world. Founded in 2010, Fiverr has become one of the most popular freelance platforms on the internet, boasting millions of users and thousands of gigs available for purchase. With Fiverr’s easy-to-use platform and vast array of services, it’s no wonder why so many people choose to use this website to find freelance work or to offer their own services.

Contents In The Article

Explanation Of Fiverr And Its Importance

Fiverr is a platform where businesses and individuals can outsource work to freelancers who are experts in their respective fields. Whether you’re looking for a graphic designer to design your logo, a writer to create content for your website, or a virtual assistant to help manage your business, you can find it all on Fiverr.

The platform offers a wide range of services that cater to different industries, making it an ideal place for both clients and freelancers. One of the major benefits of using Fiverr is that it provides a cost-effective way for businesses and individuals to get things done.

Instead of hiring full-time employees or outsourcing work through traditional agencies, clients can simply browse through Fiverr’s vast library of gigs and select the one that best fits their needs and budget. Freelancers on Fiverr also benefit from this model as they can offer their services at competitive rates while still earning a fair income.

Importance of Having a Good Username on Fiverr

Your username is one of the first things that potential clients will see when they come across your profile on Fiverr. It’s important to have a good username because it not only helps you stand out from other freelancers but also creates an impression about you as a professional. A well-thought-out username can make you look more approachable, reliable, and trustworthy to clients.

Your username should also be memorable and easy to spell. If your username is difficult to remember or spell, potential clients may have trouble finding you again in the future, which can lead to missed opportunities.

Additionally, a good username should reflect your skills and expertise as a freelancer. For example, if you’re a graphic designer specializing in logo design, you could use a username like “LogoWizard” or “DesignSavvy” to attract clients who are looking for someone with those specific skills.

Steps To Change Your Fiverr Username

Changing your Fiverr username is a quick and easy process that can be done in just a few clicks. Follow these simple steps to change your Fiverr username:

Log In To Your Fiverr Account

The first step is to log in to your Fiverr account. If you are not already logged in, go to the Fiverr homepage and click on the “Sign In” button at the top of the screen. Enter your username or email address and password, then click “Sign In.”

Go To The Profile Settings Page

Once you are logged in, click on your profile picture or username at the top of the screen. This will take you to your profile page. From there, click on “Settings” and then “Profile Settings.”

Click On The “Edit” Button Next To Your Current Username

On the Profile Settings page, find the section labeled “Basic Information.” You should see a field labeled “Username.” To edit this field, simply click on the pencil icon located next to it.

Enter Your New Desired Username And Click “Save”

After clicking on the pencil icon next to your current username, a text box will appear where you can enter your new desired username. Make sure that you choose a unique name that accurately represents you or your brand. Once you have entered your new desired name, simply click on “Save Changes,” and your new username will be saved.

It’s important to note that changing your Fiverr username may impact how clients perceive you or how they find you when searching for freelancers with specific skills. Therefore it’s best if users choose wisely when selecting their new name because once they hit save changes there is no going back unless contacting support which may take days for them to revert back.

Tips For Choosing A New Username On Fiverr

Your username is an essential part of your branding on Fiverr. It’s the first thing potential clients see when they come across your profile, so it’s important to choose a name that is memorable, easy to spell, and relevant to your services. Here are some tips to help you choose the perfect username for your Fiverr account.

Make It Short And Memorable

Firstly, you should strive to create a short and memorable name that will stick in the minds of potential clients. Avoid long and complex usernames that are difficult to remember or spell. A short and straightforward username will make it easier for people to find you on the platform.

A good way to test if your username is easy to remember is by saying it aloud a few times. If you can easily recall it after repeating it several times, then chances are other people will too.

Use Keywords Related To Your Services

Choose a username that aligns with your services or niche. This makes it easier for clients who are searching for specific services on Fiverr to find you quickly.

Using relevant keywords in your username could increase your visibility in search results. For instance, if you offer graphic design services, including words like “design,” “graphics,” or “creative” in your username could help potential clients find you more easily.

Avoid Using Numbers Or Special Characters

When choosing a new Fiverr username, avoid using numbers or special characters as much as possible. It makes usernames harder to remember and pronounce correctly.

Additionally, adding numbers at the end of usernames can create confusion if someone else has already taken the same name with different numbers at the end. Try creating unique names without resorting to numerical combinations at all costs.

Consider Using Your Real Name

Using your real name as your username can help to build trust and credibility with potential clients. It’s especially useful if you’re selling professional services such as legal or accounting services. Using your own name in your username could also make it easier for clients to find you outside of Fiverr, such as on social media platforms like LinkedIn.

Remember that a good username is an essential part of building a strong brand on Fiverr. By following these tips, you can create a unique and memorable name that will help you stand out from the competition and attract more clients to your profile.

Things To Keep In Mind After Changing Your Fiverr Username

Changing your username on Fiverr can have some implications that you should be aware of. While it may seem like a minor change, it can have a significant impact on your profile and reputation on the platform. Here are some key things to keep in mind after changing your Fiverr username.

Your Old Profile Url Will No Longer Work

When you change your Fiverr username, the URL for your profile page will also change. This means that any links or bookmarks to your old profile will no longer work.

If someone tries to access your old profile after you have changed your name, they will get an error message or be redirected to a new user with the same name. To avoid confusion and lost traffic, it’s essential to update any links or promotional materials that include your Fiverr URL.

Your Previous Clients May Not Recognize You With A New Name

If you have been working with clients on Fiverr for some time and then change your username, they may not immediately recognize you when they see the new name. This can cause confusion and make it harder for them to find you when they need future services. It’s essential to notify all of your previous clients about the change before making it public so that they know what to expect and can easily find you under the new name.

Updating external links is another crucial step after changing usernames on Fiverr. Whenever possible, try to use consistent branding across all platforms and promotional materials so that customers can easily identify and connect with you.

By keeping these considerations in mind, users can transition smoothly into their new identity while minimizing any negative impact on their business reputation or customer relationships within the platform. Overall, changing a username is an important step towards building a strong brand identity but needs proper planning and preparation before making such changes.

Fiverr Change Username Good Examples

  1. Changing your Fiverr username is easy and can be done in a few simple steps. To change your username, log in to your Fiverr account and go to your profile settings.
  2. Changing your username on Fiverr can help you rebrand your profile and attract new clients who are looking for your services. Consider using keywords that reflect your niche or services.
  3. If you made a mistake while creating your Fiverr account and misspelled your username, changing it can help you correct the mistake and avoid confusion.
  4. Changing your Fiverr username can help you build brand recognition and credibility on the platform, especially if you use your brand or business name.
  5. If you prefer to use your real name as your Fiverr username, it can help build trust and credibility with potential clients.
  6. Changing your Fiverr username can help you stand out from other sellers on the platform and attract more clients to your profile.
  7. If you have been on Fiverr for a while and have built a strong reputation and client base, changing your username may not be necessary and could potentially confuse your existing clients.
  8. Using creative or unique words in your Fiverr username can help you create a memorable and catchy profile name that clients will remember.
  9. Changing your Fiverr username can help you keep your profile fresh and up-to-date, especially if you have changed your services or focus on a specific niche.
  10. If you are just starting on Fiverr and have not yet built a strong brand identity, changing your username can help you create a strong first impression with potential clients.

Fiverr Change Username Bad Examples

  1. Changing your Fiverr username frequently can confuse your existing clients and potential clients, and it can make it difficult for them to find and recognize your profile. Avoid changing your username too often.
  2. Copying another seller’s username on Fiverr can lead to confusion and can damage your reputation on the platform. Make sure your username is unique.
  3. Choosing a long or complicated Fiverr username can be difficult for clients to remember and can make it hard for them to find your profile in search results. Keep your username simple and easy to remember.
  4. Using irrelevant or offensive words in your Fiverr username can damage your reputation on the platform and turn potential clients away from your profile. Keep your username professional.
  5. Using trending topics or events in your Fiverr username may not reflect your niche or services and can quickly become outdated. Choose a username that reflects your niche or services and is relevant in the long term.
  6. If you have already established a brand or business name, changing your Fiverr username may confuse your existing clients and may not be necessary.
  7. If you have already built a strong reputation and client base on Fiverr, changing your username may not be worth the potential risk of confusing your existing clients.
  8. If you have a niche that is not reflected in your username, changing it can help attract more clients who are looking for your specific services.
  9. If you have a username that is difficult to spell or pronounce, potential clients may have a hard time finding your profile in search results.
  10. If you have a long history on Fiverr and have already built a strong reputation, changing your username may not be necessary and could potentially confuse your existing clients.

Remember, your Fiverr username is an important part of your brand identity on the platform, and it can impact your reputation and credibility with potential clients. Choose your username wisely and consider the potential benefits and drawbacks before making a decision.

Quick Facts About Change Fiverr Username:

  1. Did you know that 63% of businesses that rebrand their business see an increase in revenue? Changing your Fiverr username can be a small step towards rebranding your business and increasing your revenue.
  2. According to a study by Hootsuite, using emojis in your username can increase engagement by up to 47%. Consider incorporating an emoji into your new Fiverr username.
  3. Your Fiverr username is a key part of your brand identity. Make sure your new username reflects your brand values and is easy to remember.
  4. Changing your Fiverr username can help to increase your visibility on the platform. When you change your username, Fiverr will update your profile URL, which can help to improve your search rankings.
  5. If you have a custom URL for your Fiverr profile, changing your username won’t affect it. Your custom URL will remain the same, even if you change your username.
  6. Changing your Fiverr username can help to create a stronger online presence. A memorable username can help potential clients to remember you and your services.
  7. If your current Fiverr username is too similar to other usernames on the platform, it can make it difficult for clients to find you. Changing your username can help to differentiate you from other sellers.
  8. According to Fiverr’s Terms of Service, your username must not include any profanity, hate speech, or impersonation of a public figure. Make sure your new username complies with these guidelines.
  9. When you change your Fiverr username, your old username becomes available for other users to claim. Make sure you’re happy with your new username before making the switch.
  10. Your Fiverr username is not just important for your profile but also for communication with buyers. When you deliver a project, your username will be displayed in the message thread. Having a professional username can help to build trust with your clients.

Conclusion About Change Fiverr Username:

Changing your Fiverr username is a straightforward process that can be accomplished in just a few steps. Updating your username is an important step to take if you feel that your current name no longer represents your brand or if you simply want a fresh start.

Remember to follow the tips provided for choosing a new username, and consider updating any external links that may have included your old name. Having an appropriate and memorable name on Fiverr is crucial for branding purposes.

Your username serves as a representation of yourself and the services you offer. A good username can make it easier for potential clients to find you and remember you, which can ultimately lead to more business opportunities.

If you are considering changing your Fiverr username, we encourage you to take the leap and do it! Don’t let fear or uncertainty hold you back from making changes that could potentially benefit your business.

With the steps outlined in this article, updating your Fiverr username has never been easier. So go ahead and take control of your branding and showcase the best version of yourself on Fiverr.

Change Username On Fiverr RAQs:

Can I change my Fiverr username?

As of the last update in Jan 2022, Fiverr does not allow users to change username on fiverr once it has been set. If you are unhappy with your current username, you must create a new account with the desired username.

How do I change my Fiverr username?

Unfortunately, you cannot change your Fiverr username. If you want a different username, you will need to create a new account.

Can I change my username on Fiverr after account creation?

No, once you have created your Fiverr account, you cannot change the username. The only option is to create a new account with a different username.

Is it possible to change my Fiverr username without creating a new account?

No, you cannot change your Fiverr username without creating a new account. If you want to use a different username, you must create a new account with the desired username.

Can I change my username on Fiverr if I made a mistake?

Unfortunately, Fiverr does not allow you to change your username once the account has been created, even if you made a mistake. You will need to create a new account with the correct username.

Can we change the username on a Fiverr account?

No, Fiverr does not support changing the username on an existing account. If you wish to use a different username, you must create a new account.

Can you change your Fiverr username or the username on your Fiverr account?

No, you cannot change your Fiverr username or the username on your Fiverr account. The only option is to create a new account with the desired username.

How can I change my Fiverr username if I have active orders or gigs?

You cannot change your Fiverr username even if you have active orders or gigs. If you want a new username, you must create a new account. However, before doing so, you should complete any active orders and inform your clients about your new account. Keep in mind that your reviews and ratings will not transfer to the new account.

Can I transfer my reviews and ratings to a new Fiverr account with a different username?

No, you cannot transfer your reviews and ratings from one Fiverr account to another. If you create a new account with a different username, you will have to start from scratch with your reviews and ratings.

Will changing my Fiverr username affect my search ranking?

Since you cannot change your Fiverr username, your search ranking will not be directly affected. However, if you create a new account with a different username, you will need to start over in terms of search ranking, reviews, and ratings.

If I delete my Fiverr account, can I reuse the same email address for a new account with a different username?

Yes, after deleting your Fiverr account, you can reuse the same email address to create a new account with a different username. However, all your previous account’s data, including reviews, ratings, and gig history, will be permanently lost.

Can I have multiple Fiverr accounts with different usernames?

Fiverr’s Terms of Service prohibit users from having multiple accounts. Creating more than one account can result in all your accounts being disabled. If you want to use a different username, you should first close your existing account and then create a new one with the desired username.

What should I do if I can’t change my Fiverr username but want a fresh start?

If you’re unable to change your Fiverr username but want a fresh start, you can close your existing account and create a new one with a different username. However, this means you’ll lose all your reviews, ratings, and gig history. You’ll need to start from scratch and rebuild your profile, including your reputation and search ranking.

What are the best practices for choosing a Fiverr username?

When selecting a Fiverr username, consider the following best practices:

  1. Choose a username that is professional and reflects your skills or services.
  2. Keep it simple and easy to remember.
  3. Avoid using special characters, numbers, or spaces that could confuse clients.
  4. Make sure it is not offensive or inappropriate.
  5. Verify the spelling and capitalization before finalizing your username, as you won’t be able to change it later.

Can I change my Fiverr profile information even if I can’t change my username?

Yes, you can update your Fiverr profile information, such as your profile picture, description, and gig details, even if you can’t change your username. To edit your profile information, log in to your Fiverr account, click on your profile picture in the top-right corner, and select “Profile” from the dropdown menu. From there, you can update your information as needed.

How can I contact Fiverr support regarding my username?

If you have any questions or concerns regarding your Fiverr username, you can contact Fiverr support by visiting and submitting a support ticket. They will respond to your inquiry and provide assistance as needed.

Can I change the username of a Fiverr account that I bought from someone else?

No, you cannot change the username of a Fiverr account, even if you purchased it from someone else. Fiverr usernames are permanent and cannot be altered. If you want a Fiverr account with a different username, you will need to create a new account using your own email address. Keep in mind that buying or selling Fiverr accounts is against Fiverr’s Terms of Service and could result in account suspension or termination.

Can I change my Fiverr username more than once every 30 days?

No, you can only change your Fiverr username once every 30 days.

Will changing my Fiverr username affect my custom URL?

No, changing your Fiverr username won’t affect your custom URL.

Can I choose any username for my Fiverr account?

Your Fiverr username must comply with the platform’s guidelines and must not include any profanity, hate speech, or impersonation of a public figure.

Why is my Fiverr username important?

Your Fiverr username is important for creating a strong online presence, improving your search rankings, and building trust with your clients.

Can I reclaim my old username after changing it?

No, once you change your Fiverr username, your old username becomes available for other users to claim.

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